Complex relationships - intermediate objects

Posted by matman on 10-Oct-2014 04:35

When converting a relationship it will turn into a complex relationship creating an intermediate object. I can't find anything on this in the Rollbase user guide. Are there any changes in behaviour that I need to know before programming things? Also, the intermediate object hasn't been added to my "Core Objects" and "Dependent Objects" lists (defect)?

After deleting all relationships with this intermediate object, turning off the object's attributes, undeploying it and changing the integration name, I am unable to delete this object (defect?)

All Replies

Posted by Orchid Corpin on 10-Oct-2014 16:13

Have you checked if there are still existing records?


Posted by matman on 13-Oct-2014 02:25

No records of the intermediate object existed when I tried to delete it. I just opened up my Rollbase application and noticed that it's now possible to delete the object. It probably was a caching issue. Thanks for your attention!

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