Portal Access

Posted by smartsysISV on 25-Sep-2014 04:50

I have a portal where companies (object) or contacts (object) can log in.

Every contact is related to one company.

Is it possible to give contact-logins access to all records attached to the company?

Is it possible that multiple contacts can login with their company-login at the same time?

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Posted by Gian Torralba on 25-Sep-2014 10:08


You can actually log in the Company log in thru different computers since Rollbase will not automatically log out a portal user if it is used concurrently. My suggestion is just use the Contact object as your Portal Visitor. You will need to create a custom filter to view all related company attached to a specific Contact. Please follow this steps on how to create the custom filter. Please be advised that there maybe a best way to achieve this.

1. Create a new relationship to the company's related object named "Company Contacts many - many" This will hold all the contacts that can access the related record.

e.g. Company has many Company Locations. Company Locations has many to many relationship to a Contact (Company Contacts).

2. Every time you create a Company Location or update a Company Location record you need to update the Company Contact's field by creating an after update trigger in the Company Location Object.

3. The trigger will contain a rbv_api.getRelatedIds() API that will get the related company's contacts and then update the Company Contact field.

4. In the Company Location list view, create a new view add the current user as on of the Company Contact value.

Hope this helps,

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