How can i get the count of records updatedAt =Yesterday

Posted by Sudhakar on 17-Jun-2014 14:34

Hi all,

I am trying to count the #records updatedAt = Yesterday,Im using the expression in formula field,But im not getting as expected result.can some one help on the following expression.

var count= #CALC_COUNT.sn_emp(1| (updatedAt >= (TODAY - 1)) && (updatedAt < TODAY) ) ;
rbv_api.println("# Records Updated YesterDay::"+count);  

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Posted by cprak on 18-Jun-2014 09:37

To verify the formula, I created an object, 'thing' which only has a name field. There are a total of nine records - 5 created today (1, 2, 3, 4, 5), and 4 created yesterday (a, b, c, d). The formula returns an integer.

Evaluating this formula on all 9 'thing' records yields 4.

//(updatedAt > TODAY - 1) => Updated at anytime yesterday
//(updatedAt Not updated anytime today

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