selectQuery does not seem to filter my query accurately

Posted by mjmadelo on 26-May-2014 01:32

Hi folks! I have a code chunk that originally goes like this:

var string1 = "SELECT quantity, item, delivery_date FROM deliveries";

rbf_selectQuery(string1, 2000, function(data){



where quantity, item and delivery_date are properties I am interested in getting from deliveries table. However, I will further filter this by a date range via datepickers startDateISO and endDataISO so I tried something like 

var string2 = "SELECT quantity FROM deliveries WHERE delivery_date BETWEEN '" + startDateISO + "' AND '" + endDateISO + "'";

rbf_selectQuery(string2, 2000, function(data){



to hopefully increase execution speed (no need to re-filter by date unlike using string1). However, string2 returns an empty data array. A sample startDateISO output is "Sun Apr 27 2014 00:00:00 GMT+0800 (China Standard Time)" while sample endDateISO is "Mon May 26 2014 00:00:00 GMT+0800 (China Standard Time)". A sample delivery_date output is "Wed Apr 30 2014 00:00:00 GMT+0800 (China Standard Time)". They have the same formats but nothing is returned on the "rbf_selectQuery(string2, ...)" line. What am I missing here?


Can you help me figure this out? Any help would be very much appreciated. Thank you!

All Replies

Posted by Laurent on 28-May-2014 08:39

If you don't add any filter and have the JavaScript code display the delivery_date field, what values do you get that would fit between startDateISO and endDateISO?

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