Validation Error Message from OpenEdge to Rollbase

Posted by algver123 on 20-May-2014 06:26

Hi all,
I am Mark Algvere and I work for Algver Management Consulting in Stockholm. I am developing a new application from scratch using Open Edge with Rollbase as User Interface tool.
In my application all the field validations concerning input screens are made on the Open Edge side in the *.CLS files.  I have problems to display the error message in Rollbase and also remain in the input screen in Rollbase when an error from Open Edge is sent.
I think it should work as follows:
If you enter an “X” (or any character) in the integer field “order number” in a Rollbase input screen  you get the error message “Error x is not a valid integer”. The cursor moves to the top field.
If you enter “9” and OpenEdge executes in the corresponding CLS file
If eOrder.OrderNumber = 9 then RETURN ERROR “9 is not OK as input in this case”.
Rollbase should display “9 is not OK as input in this case” on the same place as in the “X” example and move the cursor to the top of the input screen. The application should stay in the input screen.
In my application the error message can always be display after the last field. It is not needed to send information from Open Edge exactly which field the error message should be displayed under.   
Is there a work around in Rollbase 2.2 to display message from the  RETURN ERROR “error text”  function in Open Edge ?  In which Rollbase version will this be fixed properly ?
As long as it is not possible to send error messages from OpenEdge to Rollbase it will not be as I see it possible to make any larger applications with the main logic on OpenEdge side.
Best Regards,
Mark Algvere

Algver Management Consulting
Vildkattsvägen 12
S-13336 Saltsjöbaden, Sweden
Tel: +46-707-740616

All Replies

Posted by wmtwood on 20-May-2014 09:07

This has come up a few times in posts, (see but unfortunately, in Rollbase 2.2, this is not something that works.  You get the generic error at the top.  This is a known issue and exists in the product backlog.

One comment, though, is that your explanation of the issue was excellent.  Thanks for taking the time to write it up.

Posted by algver123 on 20-May-2014 10:07

Thank You for fast response!

I will follow this issue in the future Rollbase releases and probably I will be back to you up to how this issue develops. 

Best Regards,


Subject: RE: Validation Error Message from Open Edge to Rollbase
Date: Tue, 20 May 2014 09:08:11 -0500

Reply by wmtwood
This has come up a few times in posts, (see but unfortunately, in Rollbase 2.2, this is not something that works.  You get the generic error at the top.  This is a known issue and exists in the product backlog.
One comment, though, is that your explanation of the issue was excellent.  Thanks for taking the time to write it up.
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