How can I make my own currency format

Posted by lCira9 on 17-May-2014 18:53

I want to have the format ###,###,###.##, there is $###,###,###.## but I don't want any currency symbol.

Posted by on 18-May-2014 21:00

Hi ICira9

Try this

rbv_api.formatCurrency(value, symbol , decimal places ,decimal separator ,comma separator)

The parameters are the ff ( in order)  value of the number you want to format, the symbol of your currency , the number of decimal places, the separator symbol for the decimal and the comma separator

All Replies

Posted by on 18-May-2014 21:00

Hi ICira9

Try this

rbv_api.formatCurrency(value, symbol , decimal places ,decimal separator ,comma separator)

The parameters are the ff ( in order)  value of the number you want to format, the symbol of your currency , the number of decimal places, the separator symbol for the decimal and the comma separator

Posted by lCira9 on 19-May-2014 00:10


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