Want to gather info for a mobile Rollbase app prior to avail

Posted by Rollbase User on 16-Aug-2013 06:43

We wish to mobile-enable an aspect of a Rollbase application we are developing. However we know that 50% of the time the client will not have an internet connection. What do people generally do in this situation. Use Adobe Forms?, and excel spreadsheet, or other ?Thanks for any pointers

All Replies

Posted by Admin on 16-Aug-2013 07:23

Mr. Walsh,

I will refer to our development and product management teams for the best recommendation, and will reply with any updates as soon as possible.


Corey Prak

Posted by Admin on 20-Aug-2013 07:36

Hello Mr. Walsh,

at this point in time, there aren't any resources or known workarounds that may supplement in offline data organization. I'm unfamiliar of any practices which are used externally for mobile applications.

I will be sure to reply with any resources or information related to mobile Rollbase implementation. From my personal research, I've found this link to be most helpful:


While many answers call for incorporating a myriad of APIs, two users mention :


"...I faced the same problem and ended up using an XML-file for storage and git to track changes and commit them automatically, as soon as a connection is available. The sync is done with the usual git commit / push / pull commands in a shell script and a cronjob starting the script. This would also work if you store JSON in a textfile..."


"...Form isn't really submitted - "Submit" button actually saves seri

Posted by Admin on 20-Aug-2013 13:25

Hello Corey

Thanks for looking into that for me.

This particular application (if they go ahead) wouldn't warrant the effort involved.

It feels like quite a lot of work and also sounds error-prone..... we can do without it for now.

Thanks again.


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