Is there a way to sort by picklist order?

Posted by Rollbase User on 16-Jul-2013 17:46

Just wondering if there is a way to sort records by picklist order as opposed to ascending or descending? Thanks.

All Replies

Posted by Admin on 17-Jul-2013 08:47

Hello Jon,

please refer to the response I gave to a similar inquiry:

Also note that the response only concerns record organization in a single View. Since you'd like to select an organization criteria by a Picklist, I would recommend creating multiple Views. Rollbase already requires users to toggle between Views from a Picklist, which is shown here:

Taking advantage of multiple views will be very effective in representing organized records.

Feel free to reply with any specific problems or questions. I hope I was helpful!


Corey Prak

Posted by Admin on 17-Jul-2013 09:41

My issue is that I would like to group my object records in the order of my picklist.

For example I have a status picklist ordered like this:


Awaiting Response


I would like to group my records so they are grouped by that status field... at the top would be the people I need to contact, then the people that I'm awaiting for a response from and so on.

It seems like I can only order them in ascending or descending alphabetical order.

If there is a workaround or something I'm missing that would be great. Thanks.

Posted by Admin on 18-Jul-2013 12:40

Hi Mr. Smith,

I have replicated your example. It seems that record organization depending on a Picklist will only sort records alphabetically based on the Picklist options. There doesn't seem to be an option to extract the Picklist options and sort records accordingly.

The simplest solution I've come up with involves the Picklist options. Consider how the default sort would display "Awaiting Response", "Closed", and "Contact" by default.

Since it is preffered that records are displayed as "Contact", "Awaiting Response", and "Closed", it'd be possible to achieve the desired grouping by renaming the options, in respective order, "Contact", "Pending Response", and "Resolved". This would organize records as desired while also adhering to the alphabetized sorting default.

There is also Rollbase's Query API which could filter records by status, and thus display them in groups according to your liking. Recall the formula Kurt Bachtold provided you in sorting Doctors and their appointment

Posted by Admin on 18-Jul-2013 12:55

Thanks for the response.

I found a work around by adding a space before each picklist Item. I'm not sure why Rollbase does this but it seems that if the first character isn't a letter it defaults to the picklist order.

Posted by Admin on 18-Jul-2013 13:20

Mr. Smith,

I wasn't aware of this default at all, I'm glad that you were able to use it to your advantage. Please reply if any questions or other issues arise. I'd also appreciate sharing any interesting discoveries you make!

Thank you,

Corey Prak

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