Trigger (Object Script) no passing information

Posted by Rollbase User on 03-Jun-2013 15:19

I have an Outbound Call Form that I am trying to pass information from the Lead to the Prospect after I convert the lead this form does not attach. This is a Trigger (Object Script). Any input would be fine because when I debug I get no errors. Here is my code... var x = new Array(); x["firstName"]="{!firstName}"; x["lastName"]="{!lastName}"; x["email"]="{!email}"; x["RUSER"]={!RUSER#id}; x["title"]="{!title}"; x["salutation"]="{!salutation#code}"; x["phone"]="{!phone}"; x["fax"]="{!fax}"; x["city"]="{!city}"; x["state"]="{!state#code}"; x["zip"]="{!zip}"; x["country"]="{!country#code}"; x["streetAddr1"]="{!streetAddr1}"; x["streetAddr2"]="{!streetAddr2}"; var newId = rbv_api.createRecord("contact", x); var z = new Array(); z["firstName"]="{!R15414499.firstName}"; z["lastName"]="{!R15414499.lastName}"; z["website"]="{!R15414499.last_called_date}"; z["notes"]="{!R15414499.notes}"; var newId1 = rbv_api.createRecord("outbound_call_form", z); var y = new Array(); y["name"]="{!company

All Replies

Posted by Admin on 03-Jun-2013 15:57

What does not match? Also, you may consider using Conversion map for this task.

Posted by Admin on 03-Jun-2013 15:59

The var z data does not pass

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