How do I build the Record Name Template based on look-up fie

Posted by Rollbase User on 10-Jan-2013 14:04

I'm running into this question several times, so clearly I'm not understanding something. Example: Object1 = client Object2 = company Object3 = client, company, startDate, endDate I want the Object3's Record Name to be: {!client} {!company} However, as both of those fields/columns are from related tables (not native fields within Object3, I don't seem to be able to access them. What should I be doing to get a meaningful RecordName?

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Posted by Admin on 10-Jan-2013 15:17

This actually may be a problem since record name may not be properly updated when related record is updated. Please use fields available in UI to build Naming template.

Posted by Admin on 07-Feb-2013 23:55

The best way we have found to do this is to Create a trigger "Update Field Value" and on After Create and After Update, set the Record Name field with the related name value fields. We have had no issues with this practice. Easy to maintain as well. We have also successfully used the tokens of the related fields but under certain conditions it may not work and is not rollbase supported. But the trigger works without fail.

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