Problem to generate XML file with conversion map

Posted by Rollbase User on 21-Oct-2012 13:51

Hello, We have an objet A and an objet B. We have a "conversion map" from A to B. B is declared as dependant objet for our application. We can not generate XML file. Rollbase says : page xxxxx (page New B) is not found. Thanks for your help. Regards, Matthieu

All Replies

Posted by Admin on 21-Oct-2012 15:14

This is not right. Should be fixed in the next release.

Posted by Admin on 30-Oct-2012 16:57

Hi Pavel,

Apparently, this bug has not been fixed in the 3.8.4.

May be in the 3.8.5 ou 3.8.6 ?


Thank you.



Posted by Admin on 30-Oct-2012 19:04

Please provide more info - what was not fixed? Please submit support request on

Posted by Admin on 31-Oct-2012 02:21

Hi Pavel,

Got it ! A menu "New B" (Menu type "New B") has to be part of the application when you generate the application XML file.

If this menu do not exist, XML file can not be generated. Even if a link "New B" exists on the record list. So "New B" has to be a menu.

We can obviously add a menu "New B" to our tab "B". So everyting is fine now.

Hope my explanations are clear enough. Sorry for disturbing you about that.


Posted by Admin on 31-Oct-2012 11:52

Can you just attach screen capture, that would be most helpful.

Also you need to re-create XML after fix was applied (can't use old XML).

Posted by Admin on 02-Nov-2012 03:44


Recrutement/Mobilité is an application.

Candidat is an tab and an objet.

Collaborateur is another tab and objet.

Object "Candidat" is declared as a core objet for the application "Recrutement/Mobilité".

Object "Collaborateur" is declared as a dependent objet for the application "Recrutement/Mobilité".

I have a conversion map from Candidat to Collaborateur.

It the menu "Nouveau collaborateur" (New collaborateur) does not exist, XML file is not generated. Rollbase says : Page "New collaborateur" is not found. Even if the link "New Collaborateur" exists on the record list.

Hope this help.

Anyway, as we said, we don't mind to add a menu "New collaborateur" to our tab "Collaborateur".



Posted by Admin on 02-Nov-2012 11:18

If you include Menu in application, it must come with a page. So I think installer works correctly.

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