how to auto populate the fields if an existing data is selec

Posted by Rollbase User on 09-Aug-2012 04:42

im a newbie here and im wondering how can you auto populate a related record's fields after selecting an existing record? for example i have here an object named 'project' and has the relationship with another object named 'form' as many is to many. if i were to make a new record in 'project' and name it 'project1', upon making 'project1',object 'form' is required. and since the details of an existing form for example 'form1' is what i want for 'project1' i want the existing details from 'form1' to auto populate the form required to make 'project1'. is there a way to do that? thank you..

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Posted by Admin on 09-Aug-2012 11:27

Please check Chapter 7, it has example of doing this.

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