Display Calendar in "Month" view instead of "

Posted by Rollbase User on 03-May-2012 16:46

On the Rollbase Calendar page, one of our users wants the calendar to always load in Month view instead of Week view. If we were able to edit the Calendar page, I could place javascript that sets the calendar to month view, however the Calendar page can not be edited. Is there any way for us to have the Calendar display initially in Month view? Thanks, Mike

All Replies

Posted by Admin on 03-May-2012 17:33

I suggest you use Calendar Component which is now available for Generic pages. I can add configuration for these components.

Posted by Admin on 03-May-2012 18:07

Pavel is correct, you can now drag the Calendar component into any Generic page.

Hope this helps

Posted by Admin on 09-May-2012 18:51

Yes, that works.

I put the following in the onload page properties to get the calendar to open in month view.



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