Edit phone number from View page does not always autoformat

Posted by Rollbase User on 23-Mar-2012 00:23

On a View record page, if you try to use the in-line edit to update a phone number field -- when you type the phone number 1231231234 and press ENTER it does not auto-format the data. The phone number is saved as 1231231234 when it should be saved as (123)123-1234. It does work if you hit TAB and then ENTER. It also works if you click somewhere on the page before pressing ENTER. Any chance you can get it to reformat the phone number by just pressing ENTER [on the View page > in-line edit]? Thank you

All Replies

Posted by Admin on 23-Mar-2012 00:50

This will be addressed.

Posted by Admin on 25-Mar-2012 15:13

Everything works as expected. If you enter a number longer than format (like in your example) formatting will be applied.

Posted by Admin on 30-Mar-2012 01:15

The number I entered is a standard 10 digit telephone number. You are saying that I need to enter an 11 digit number to get it to format?

I just tried it again today:

After typing the last digit (the number 4), press ENTER. It does not format:

The field has an input mask of (###)###-#### (10 digits):

Posted by Admin on 30-Mar-2012 01:17

I think it does not format because pressing Enter submits the form and the On Blur event to auto-format never gets triggered.

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