jQuery libraries in Portals

Posted by Rollbase User on 19-Mar-2012 16:18

Over the weekend, it appears Rollbase added jQuery libraries to the end of portal pages. This is breaking the portals we have that already have the jQuery library in the HEAD of the page. Specifically, the FancyBox jQuery plugin must be loaded after jQuery. I get errors now because there are two jQuery files loaded [mine in the HEAD, and Rollbase's after the closing HTML tag].  I need to be able to disable the extra jQuery/jQueryUI plugins that were recently added to the portals, because I already have those libraries loaded. Or, possibly have the option loading additional javascript files AFTER jQuery has been loaded. So, you would have a textarea input for Header, Footer, [jQuery], Footer 2 Thanks

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Posted by Admin on 22-Mar-2012 01:21

Hi Mike, these JS files are required for the new rich text editor component. Perhaps we need to make this optional or provide additional injection points as you suggest. I will discuss with Pavel and get back to you shortly, I hope you have a way of dealing with this in the meantime.

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