Client-side date format issue

Posted by Rollbase User on 13-Mar-2012 04:19

Hi All, We have noticed that the date format of the client-side select query has changed from 'yyyy-mm-dd' to 'Day Mon dd yyyy' (e.g. '2012-03-12' to 'Mon Mar 12 2012'). Is this configurable? Our concern is that most of our projects use the old format and we will do many revisions in our code when we upgrade to 3.4. In line with this, we would like to request a solution to configure the date format when using selectQuery so that we need not to revise our codes. Thank You Very Much. Regards, Gudz Rollbase PH

All Replies

Posted by Admin on 13-Mar-2012 11:57

Query API returns instance of JavaScript Date object. You can use any methods available on Date class. I'm updating documentation to make it clearer.

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