Update or Delete a custom field component

Posted by Rollbase User on 03-Aug-2011 13:27

Need to update or delete a custom component. Field type "text" and field label "pay". It needs to be a currency field and now we can't use the field label "pay" because it's already being used. Where can we find our custom field to delete it or update it?

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Posted by Admin on 03-Aug-2011 13:31

You need to go to the Object definition that contains the field and either edit or delete the field.

To do this:

1. Click Setup > Applications Setup > Objects

2. Find the Object and click on it

3. Scroll down to the "Fields" section and find the right field

4. Edit or Delete it

Posted by Admin on 03-Aug-2011 13:41

Thanks, found it quickly. I didn't know that it was an Object. I was looking for "component" as it's labeled on the left hand column when in customization mode.

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