Portal login page object is USER

Posted by Rollbase User on 11-Feb-2011 03:35

Portal login page object is USER Need to confirm that if this works as expected. We created a login portal page and link it to User object. With this setup, this allowed our main Rollbase users to login to the portal. If a main Rollbase user has a role of MANAGER (create/edit accesses) and logs into the portal, will that "portal" user have access similar to the manager's role or will the generic Portal Visitor role access level comes into play over the manager role? Note that we didn't give Create/Edit access to the Portal Visitor role to this object, only view.

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Posted by Admin on 11-Feb-2011 10:27

I see in the code that if the visitor is User, that instance will substitute Portal Visitor. However I don't think this was sufficiently tested.

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