HTML table list view for generic pages please.

Posted by Rollbase User on 08-Feb-2010 01:02

I am trying to create a template field to copy a list component that is a available for a generic page. On the object I am to create the field (solutions object), I cannot see the merge token for the loop begin and loop end of the object. If I create the field on the case object which is related to the solutions object, I only get the related fields. I need that all solutions be displayed even if they are not related to the object. I remember you mentioned that this is done on purpose to prevent loading too much data, but I think adding the number of record to displayed will prevent loading too much. If the list of all records can be displayed in a generic page, I believe there it is possible to do this without loading too much data.

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Posted by Admin on 08-Feb-2010 13:49

This is actually available now, but not documented yet. Try this:

Name: {!name#text}

Number in LOOP_BEGIN is original id if list view you want to use. That will determine type of objects you will scan and available tokens.

There is no helper for this kind of loop and I do not plan one since there is too many options. However this works and available.

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