Using a merge token for the status to display

Posted by Rollbase User on 16-Dec-2009 16:57

When you are using merge tokens in an HTML field is there a way to merge the STATUS on a record and have it dispaly as the word of the status and not the # of that field/status? Example: Welcome Back {!firstName}! Your Status is: ? ({!status#id}, {!status#value}, {!status#code} I have used these and only 1 comes back with any data and it is a # not the "Word" of the status. Here is what my test came back with: Loan Status: 7173142 Is there a way to make it return the NAME of the status? In this case it should be "Submitted"

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Posted by Admin on 16-Dec-2009 18:25

{!status} should work fine. For more assistance please provide:
- object name
- page name
- portal?

Please note that simple tokens like {!status} refer to current object on the page. If you need to use tokens from related objects, syntax will be different.

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