The arat readImportReport task fails with "Out of stack space for SUBSTITUTE processing. (2922)".
I've been looking at the code but at first glance I don't see any code using substitute that could result in huge strings.
currently using -s 5000, that helped for some import jobs but is not yet enough for the bigger imports.
I'll double -s again to 10000.
Is there a suggested value for -s ? I don't like to set it much too big .
[mail] Sending email: Test - Import results
[mail] Sent email with 1 attachment
[echo] Applying import table(s)...
[PCTRun] Starting Roundtable API for user : sysop...
[PCTRun] Logging into Roundtable API...
[PCTRun] Session ID : 3348
[PCTRun] Setting paths in RTB API...
[PCTRun] Mode: Client only (3348)...
[PCTRun] Setting workspace in RTB session to 'Test'...
[PCTRun] Processing workspace: Test...
[PCTRun] /*****************************************/
[PCTRun] Checking import table for workspace: Test...
[PCTRun] Applying workspace import table to workspace : Test
[PCTRun] ***
[PCTRun] Out of stack space for SUBSTITUTE processing. (2922)
[PCTRun] Import analysis report created and written to file :
[PCTRun] ***
[PCTRun] Out of stack space for SUBSTITUTE processing. (2922)
[PCTRun] ** Brtb_task record not on file. (138)
[PCTRun] Import analysis report created and written to file :
[PCTRun] /usr2/rtb/rtbbuild/logs/Imports/training/training_ImportReport_20160421_224238.txt...
[PCTRun] *** Import not completed successfully in workspace 'training'. Import table has not been deleted. Please review the import errors manually!
[PCTRun] Logging out of RTB API...