I have tried creating REST project and by default the output comes out as JSON. Can any one please suggest how can we get XML as a response to a REST Service ?
I have tried creating REST project and by default the output comes out as JSON. Can any one please suggest how can we get XML as a response to a REST Service ?
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No i didn't mean Webspeed. i mean the REST service which we can create using the latest OpenEdge release. By default it gives the response in JSON format, but i need to get the response as XML.
As of now, Progress REST service supports only JSON format.
No i didn't mean Webspeed. i mean the REST service which we can create using the latest OpenEdge release. By default it gives the response in JSON format, but i need to get the response as XML.
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One solution (if applicable in your case) it would be to proxy the REST calls through a server that makes the translation between xml -> json.
Using nodejs with xml2js plus restify, for instance, you could have a quick solution to get xml in restify, parse it to json and send it to tomcat and retrieve the reply same way.
It is definetely not a nice solution but if you have to support XML can be used as a workaround (even that JSON is the way to go and you should migrate to that).
Thanks for your valuable input. I have created rest service with json as output. But i have an understanding that rest supports xml as output. but i couldn't find a way in which we are do it in openedge.
I believe you should be posting that as an enhancement request on the ideas section here on communities