This tool allows you to send metrics from Event monitor or Netmon to the monitoring tool Zabbix. This allows you monitor your Sonic domain just like you monitor everything else in your organization and also to create fully automated alerts through e-mail and sms (text) messages on your mobile phone when anything goes wrong.
The most powerful use for this tool however is the ability to see what's going on in Sonic at the same time and in the same graphs as the information about the hardware it's running on. Also, it's very useful for looking up what was going a long time ago since Zabbix keeps an almost infinite history.
It's built upon a library I created independently to be included in Java applications, so you can also use that library separately to instrument your other applications (like custom adapters).
Great tool! We already use this at some customers (Informa, Detailresult) to monitor the Sonic Environments.
Here some screenshots made from the Informa Sonic environment.
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I updated the attached zipfile because it contained a bug concerning instance metrics whose name includes the dot '.' character.