HeuristicMonitor for SonicMQ
HeuristicMonitor is helpful to survey Sonic production environement.
He give to the administrator, a visual display of activity,
to predict troubles ahead.
How's work?
1) if the fish eats the green goldfish = wrong
("logs" files of Sonic Containers receives severe
errors or notifications).
2) applet (right) formally known as "YMCA" gives the disco light of
the moment. If the spot changes its colour means that there is climate
change for the "Village People".
It means that there are significant changes in the metrics
of "Sonic Domain".
3) downwards, the applet (PC) Coordinate Parallel View"
give us the "weather beaches". If the image change brutally there are
an abnormal process and we must intervene.
This application use the same principle as some important applications
like Collision Avoidance Algorithms for Air Traffic Control, Computer Vision
Optimization, Process Control, Intrusion Detection.
Message was edited by:
Rares Stanciulescu
This is another example of monitoring.
In the image Capture-Heuristic-esbws.png we have a ESB process which is running normaly.
and ...
when the process gets a lot of rejected messages,
the behaviour ot the display is changed.
Like this we can visualy see that is a problem.
Thank you for that, I'll try it.
See you,
Florian Morello,