How to call COM-server inside ESB process?

Posted by Admin on 31-Mar-2008 06:36

Hi all!

I have to implement a SonicESB process, which has to call methods of legacy inproc COM-server. What is the best way to implement this?

At the moment, I see 2 ways:

1. To implement (e.g., using .Net) a web-service which wraps all legacy COM-servers, and to host this web-service application on IIS or just create it as service (.Net 3.0 - 3.5 feature). Then just call this web-service in my ESB-process.

2. Try to use JCOM or some other COM-JAVA bridge and to create "custom" ESB-service, which could be used in my ESB-process.

The 1st way is simple and I know how to do it, but I'm not sure that the 2nd way is real. From another side, the 2nd way must be better from performance point of view.

All Replies

Posted by dmillman on 01-Apr-2008 08:29

Depending on the version of Sonic you are using there is a MS client that can be used, that is either .NET or earlier versions use COM. This is probably the easiest way. I would look into the client versions that are available, they are downloadable from the website.

The ESB can then route a message to the endpoint that the MS client is listening to and then wait for a response.

Hope this helps


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