I've been playing around with some of the new features within IW 7.6 and can say that I am impressed with the developer productivity enhancements that I have seen. As such I would like to make sure that you are aware of these so that you can benefit to. Here are my top five
1) Initially an ESB process is now created with a new service called the prototype service, this allows a simulated response to be returned, so I can test as quickly as I build the service.
2) The ability to refactor an existing process. Over time we know that things change and now you can select a portion of a process and refactor it as a sub-process, that be changed and reused independently.
3) Automatic generation of XCBR routing files. Create the outline of your process, select the CBR service and choose generate XCBR and the routing rules will be generated with the appropriate rules.
4) Navigation to a subprocess is a single click. Select the step that invokes a sub-process and hit F3, you are now in the subprocess.
5) Last but definitely not last. Updated templates functionality. How often do you use the same pattern many times, now you implement it once, templatize it by dragging to the template palette, parameterize where required and reuse either within a process or to create a new process from scratch. A simple sample here, I can create a transform template that every time I use automatically creates an XSLT for me to use.
Ok, I am adding an extra one for luck
6) Now in 7.6 you can execute a scenario without having the process open, using Eclipse' 'Run' menu. This means that you no longer need all the those open windows.
Each one of these eliminates a few mouse clicks and therefore makes our lives that much easier, I hope that you find these helpful.