For one of our processes we need to receive a multipart message which has XML content in part 0 which needs to be dropped to a file on disk (step 1 in our process - currently using the file drop service); part 1 of the multipart message has XML content for an insert into a database (step 2).
Requirement: the file drop has to be successful before moving onto the SQL insert step found in message part 1
Our issue is?
1. file drop service does not allow the original message to pass through after the file drop step is successful
Has anyone accomplished this scenario?
Any way to carry the original message through the process along side the file drop, so in the case where the drop was successful the rest of the process continues with the original message (Without adding sub processes)?
Have any suggestions on how to solve this issue?
Message was edited by:
Derek Marley
One approach would be to use a Fanout. One branch would do nothing (in Sonic 7.6 there's a Prototype Service, otherwise use an empty Transformation), the other would do the file drop.
If you don't want to get the Filedrop status as a new message part, you can remove the from the .drop file.
What version of ESB is this. The later versions of the ESB should support this use-case, in earlier versions the file drop service only consumed the message. The quick way to check is to see if the service is configured via an XML file?
We are currently using version 7.5.1.
Where can we find documentation for this service. The workbench help only has small snippets...
All the help is in the workbench help. I will look at this and see if I can find anymore information.