com.sonicsw.xq.XQEndpointException: ReplyTo does not exist f

Posted by Admin on 13-May-2008 04:04

Hi again,

My scenario as under:

I have a file polling service (Say P) asynchronously fetching files and I have assigned another service (Say X) as an endpoint to this service(Service P). When I put a file in the source directory, the file polling service picks up the file but I get the message rejected to RME.

I just can't track why this happens. I expect the message to be accepted by the the other service (X in this case).


All Replies

Posted by fbe on 13-May-2008 04:45

Can you please post the File Polling configuraton file? Seems like a configuration problem.

Posted by Admin on 13-May-2008 05:26

Hi Frank,

I am using the sample Polling Service given in the Sonic Workbench.

The properties of the Polling Service is as under :


type.shortDesc=File Polling Service using asynchronous dispatch API



type.initParamNames=period, sourceDir


initParam.period.displayName=Period (ms)

initParam.period.shortDesc=Time interval in milliseconds between subsequent executions of a MessageDispatchThread that reads files from the sourceDir

initParam.period.type=Integer(1, *)





initParam.sourceDir.displayName=Directory to Poll

initParam.sourceDir.shortDesc=Directory containing files to be dispatched as ESB Messages







Posted by fbe on 14-May-2008 03:41

Posted by Admin on 14-May-2008 06:19

Ya Frank,

I have no doubts with the sample in the Workbench. It works all fine. I get all the messages as expected when I start the message listeners. My question, as I mentioned earlier, is related to a bit tweaked version of this sample.


I have a file polling service (Say P) asynchronously fetching files and I have assigned another service (Say X) as an endpoint to this service(Service P). When I put a file in the source directory, the file polling service picks up the file but I get the message rejected to RME.


Is it what i do is wrong?



Posted by fbe on 14-May-2008 06:52

Posted by dmillman on 15-May-2008 17:41

The reason that this error is occuring is that the process that is being invoked or some service that is trying to send the message to the REPLY_TO endpoint. The REPLY_TO endpoint is the queue or topic that is specified in the JMSReplyTo property of the message. I am guessing that the service that is sending the message (which I believe to be the file polling service) is not setting the JMSReplyTo property. In the case of the file polling service this makes sense as there is no client to receive the endpoint.

In this case ensure that the process or service that is being invoked does not set the exit endpoint to REPLY_TO, but set to a fixed endpoint.

Hope this helps


Posted by Admin on 16-May-2008 01:14

Thank you David and Frank,

You were right I hadn't configured the Exit ENDPOINT properly. Came to know how to configure the endpoints using the SMC.

Just the question seems so silly when the output comes all fine.


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