Your message looks a little funny, so I'm not exactly sure that I understand what you want to achieve. If you have an incoming message that you want to add some details from a file on disk to, you could do something like the following.
Use a Fanout and on one branch do your file pick-up. Do nothing on the other branch (Prototype service, empty transformation, etc). After the join, you have a single message with multiple parts. You can then go and merge the parts and transform to get what you want.
Seems the forum has converted the xml :-)
I am trying to the same process as the database service option to insert resultset into current message.
Insert the value from the file pickup into the current message and continue on.
Seems the forum has converted the xml :-)
Try surrounding it with and (no spaces) to preserve formatting.
Okay, so I did kinda understand you right. The approach I mentioned will allow you to get the file into the current message, albeit as as separate part. As mentioned, you could then merge the parts and transform things into the right places. (You need to remove all the splitting information from your .pickup file if you want the whole file added to the message)
I'm using 7.6 and strangely, the online help for "Configuring a File Pickup Service" mentions a couple of Runtime Parameters that don't appear in the Service configuration. One of those parameters is "Retain Message", which would probably do this for you.
Jamie put me in the right direction for solving this question.
Incidentally, I figured out why I wasn't able to set Retain Message. I was only looking at the Runtime Parameters available in Workbench, whereas Retain Message is an Init Parameter, so it has to be set from the SMC. Changing it there worked like a charm