I need steps to use sonic database service in process ?
I am getting Exception :-
com.sonicsw.esb.service.rdbms.DatabaseServiceException: Failed to initialize Sonic Database Service.
I am able to do Sql operation from DB operation editor with same configuration which i am using for dev.DBService while calling DB Service in Process .
Hi Giridhar,
I don't think this is the place to place your queries. We have Sonic General Forum for that rather, Anyways, the problem you are facing is similar to what I faced when I began with Sonic DBService a couple of months back,
May be different reasons why you get this error.
I would suggest you to look for the container log, that is how I found what was going wrong with me.
The issue here is that within workbench you are testing the esbdb against the connection that is created by IW. When you use the esbdb file from within a process you need to ensure that the database service instance that is being used creates a valid connection to the database, you can validate this by looking at the container's log. Once a connection is achieved you will be able to add to an ESB process.
Note, there should be one instance of the database service for each database that is to be connected to. Also, I would suggest that if you are using the polling aspect of the database service that you create an instance for the polling connection and another for the other connections.
Hi David ,
Thanks , I got success in using DB Service in Process .