I have a case to implement a dynamic recipient list. XCBR seemed like a perfect match for me. This link about wiretap proved to be very useful too.. http://www.psdn.com/library/entry!default.jspa?categoryID=1892&externalID=4316&fromSearchPage=true
..until.. I found that the XCBR example in this wire tap example takes in an XML message and sends out a multi-part message to the recipients. I took the example from the wiretap implementation in the link above, ran a single-part XML message and found that the output is a multi-part message, the second part being an octet-stream with part ID - SonicESB.RUN_CONTEXT_PART_CONTENT_ID.
Would any of you know about this behavior of XCBR? Is there a way around it?
Some of my recipients may not even understand a multi-part mesasge. Besides, I don't want XCBR to alter/add content.
What you are seeing is the whole ESB message being delivered to the JMS endpoint. ESB Messages are always multi-part JMS messages, with one part containing ESB process stuff.
If you want to send just a single part of your ESB message as a single part JMS message, you should look at the process template SendToJMS. You will need to look into the sample WSDL and make sure that you have an appropriate entry in your JNDI store.
Thanks Jamie.
I found out later that the whole ESB message appears only in the workbench. When I tested it using JMS Test Client, the message went to the recipient list as is; in a single part; as a text message.
Did you happen to try the wire tap example in the link above?
Within the ESB all messages are sent as multipart, this is partly because there is one message part that contains the process definition. When a message is sent from the ESB to a standard JMS client there can be some translation that occurs automatically. For instance if the multipart message contains one text part then the JMS client will receive the message as a text message. If the part is an XML part then the client will receive the message as an XML message etc etc.
Thanks for the update. Appreciate it.