Synch call ESB Service from BPEL Process

Posted by slanix on 18-Aug-2008 08:29

Hi, all.

When I try to invoke ESB process from BPEL I expect my message in queue (it's single-part message) but in fact there is a multipart message. Sonic append part "Part(SonicESB.RUN_CONTEXT_PART_CONTENT_ID)".

What this? And how to avoid it?

All Replies

Posted by jtownsen on 18-Aug-2008 09:04

Are you seeing this in the Entry Endpoint queue for the service or in the service itself? At a Sonic MQ level, all ESB messages are multi-part messages.

Posted by slanix on 19-Aug-2008 04:47

Yes, I'm seeing this in the Entry Endpoint queue for the service. Is it means that I need some part extractor service before invoking my service?

Posted by aabes on 19-Aug-2008 09:28

The extra part you are seeing is used by the debugging framework to identify the message as belonging to an execution context (aka Run context), and allows "flowing" a debug session from BPEL into ESB and back.

If you inspect the message using the variables view during debug, you will notice this part is not listed. It is hidden by the framework from ESB services and processes, and does not count in part # based manipulation of messages. You will only see it if you use message listeners or directly inspect JMS messages.

that said - is the presences of this part causes any problems, or where you just surprised to see it?

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