how do you add a custom http header in a webservice invocati

Posted by koendewaele on 15-May-2008 02:20

I need to call an external webservice that checks for WMI-compliance. It currently complains that the SOAPAction http header is empty although this attribute is correctly set in the WSDL file.

Is there a way to set a custom HTTP header when you use a webservice invocation file?

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Posted by koendewaele on 15-May-2008 05:05

I found out that you can add a header via a custom command parameter.

Posted by Admin on 22-Sep-2008 06:54

How did you do the header ? custom command doesn't say much to me...

Posted by koendewaele on 22-Sep-2008 08:37

In the ESB editor, double click the webservice step and select the service tab.

If you select the 'Custom' tag and click on the add -button, it will show up as an X-HTTP header

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