Hi ,
I am getting Multiparts added to expected Message at endpoint which is added as step in Process?
These Multiparts are having information about services in process through which message has visited .
At the end, i have added Endpoint as step of process where i am getting these extra multiparts information.
Is there anything to configure in either in Endpoint or queue ?
Thanks .
The ESB itinerary and so on are stored in different message parts as the messages move from one step in a process to the next. As such, at the MQ level, all ESB messages will always be multi-part messages, even if at the ESB level, they only have a single part.
What you get when you use the Endpoint step is a copy of the MQ message (with the "extra" ESB parts) being sent to a topic or queue.
One way to only get the messages parts available at the ESB process level (ie without all the "extra" ESB parts), you can follow the SentToJMS template available in Sonic 7.6.