
Posted by Admin on 11-Nov-2008 07:05

Could anyone provide information on setting the content length of response message send from an acceptor which is configured as Content Reply.

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Posted by jet on 13-Nov-2008 09:10

If you're talking about doing this within ESB you can have a custom service (Java) or use the xml transformation service (JavaScript) to get the content, obtain the length, then set the Header property Content-Length on the msg with the value you obtained when you checked the length.

For example:

(ESB Custom Service - Java):

public synchronized void service(XQServiceContext ctx) throws XQServiceException {

XQEnvelope env = null;

XQMessage msg = null;

while (ctx.hasNextIncoming()) {

msg = env.getMessage();

int i = msg.getPart(0).getContent().toString().length();

if (i > 0) {

if (msg.containsHeader("Content-Length") {

msg = msg.removeHeader("Content-Length");


msg.setHeaderValue("Content-Length", i);






function rule() {

msgPart = XQMessage.getPart(0);

msgContent = XQMessage.getPart(0).getContent();

i = msgContent.toString().length();

if (i > 0) {

if (XQMessage.containsHeader("Content-Length")


XQMessage.setHeaderValue("Content-Length", i);







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