We are developing an application where in the request has been sent to the ESB process through an httpacceptor
from the frontend and the response has to be send back to the same URL.Can anyone provide information on how to configure
a router which could route response from the endpoint back to the location from where request has been sent
It sounds like you already have your front end/app developed to get the msg into your Process, but in case your not:
You should be able to have your client app use an Http post to get the msg to the HttpAcceptor. You'll need to have your ESB process setup to listen on an ESB Endpoint, which would map to an MQ queue. Your MQ queue that the Endpoint is mapped to would need to be configured as an URL extension to your Protocol instance on the Http Acceptor.
That being said, to get your response to go back to the Http client, set the Exit endpoint on your ESB Process to REPLY_TO. When the MQ Broker receives the Http post off the Acceptor, it will create convert the post to a JMS message and set the Reply_To address to the temporary queue used to receive the msg. If you're ESB Process has the Exit Endpoint configured to use the REPLY_TO Endpoint, you shouldn't have any trouble getting the response msg to be returned to your Http client.
You should not need to use a CBR for this. If I'm misinterpreting the functionality you want, let me know. If anyone else has a better solution or if I'm inaccurate here, I'm assuming someone else will comment.
Good luck!
Thanks Jeff....
It's working fine...