what is url of webserice that was deployed on ESB

Posted by Admin on 11-Feb-2009 21:04


I had deployed a webservice on ESB. I can see it under 'Process' in Management console. it's wsdl said location is http://localhost:2580/process/TestAddWS. The port of my domain is 2506. When I try to access it using http://localhost:2506/process/TestAddWS, IE said it has error: 'The server committed a protocol violation. Section=ResponseStatusLine'.

what can I do now. what is right url for client to call webservice deployed on ESB?

who can tell me?

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Posted by CESAR PEÑALOSA on 12-Feb-2009 01:07


The right WSDL url is http://localhost:2580/process/TestAddWS?WSDL

And http://localhost:2580/process/TestAddWS is the physical address at which the service can be accessed (Service Endpoint).

I hope this helps,


Posted by CESAR PEÑALOSA on 12-Feb-2009 01:35

You should not use IE as client to call WS, try it first with Sonic Workbench or use a WS Client as SOAPUI (http://www.soapui.org/).

I hope this helps,


Posted by Admin on 12-Feb-2009 20:14


Thanks very much for your help. I create a webservice invocation in workbench and input http://localhost:2580/process/TestAddWS?wsdl(note:webservice is local), it alert "Failed to craete wsdl data model". So if this url is right, what will cause this error ? Should I concern Any other things ?

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