Event Monitor with SMTP destination

Posted by Admin on 14-Oct-2008 05:03

I am trying to use Event Monitor (v7.5). It works fine when I use a DailyRollingFileAppender, and logs the metrics/notifications in the configured files.

However, if I configure log4j to use the following SMTP configuration, no emails are generated.





log4j.appender.Mail.Subject=ESB Notification




log4j.appender.Mail.layout.ConversionPattern=%d %m%n

Is there any other mechanism to use Event Monitor for generating emails for alerts/notifications? Is there any bug in Event Monitor 7.5.


All Replies

Posted by Admin on 15-Oct-2008 02:13

Thanks to the Progress Technical support, the issue is now resolved. The solution is also available @ psdn support - KB. The problem is logged as ID#s341


Posted by lohithkc on 14-Apr-2009 13:09

We're evaluating the Sonic7.6 Event monitor module to customize the alerts and notifications. I'm trying to configure the SMTP/email notification for certain alerts. The  sonic documentation didn't mention anything about how to configure and use event monitor to notify thru emails.  If anyone is successful using that feature, please post it back here.  (The link mentioned above is broken)

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