posting and getting message from an Oracle OEMS (JMS) Topic

Posted by Admin on 29-Oct-2008 15:24


We are working with the Oracle Retail Integration Bus, which is a JMS1.1 compliant implementation with Oracle AdvancedQueues/DB as the JMS persistence layer, and the JMS API provided by Oracle Enterprise Messaging Services (OEMS).

So our ERP application (RMS) post messages into JMS topics within this Oracle JMS and also subscribes to these topics.

For external application integration, applying Sonic MQ/ESB we like to either post messages into the Oracle JMS or take messages of a topic that has been created for Sonic.

My question is how to setup a Sonic integration to Oracle.

What kind a connection configuration details need to be stored and where - i.e. how do we learn Sonic how to connect to the Oracle JMS?

Any hints are appreciated,

Best regards,

Erik Ykema

WE Europe - The Netherlands

All Replies

Posted by tgrijpma on 30-Oct-2008 06:43

Hi Erik,

For communication with Oracle AQ you can use an Oracle AQ-adapter from Adaptris. This is a standalone adapter between Oracle AQ and Sonic MQ.

I have also seen, and worked with, solutions where an ESBservice did the communication between Sonic and Oracle AQ. In that situation the ESB handles the communication for sending records into AQ and read record from AQ into Sonic.

In the first situation the standalone adapter holds all the connection parameters, in the second situation all this information is stored in Sonic (and also can automatically been tailored during deployments).

Best Regards,

Tako Grijpma

Posted by Admin on 30-Oct-2008 08:54

Hi Taco,

Thanks for your useful suggestions.

Actually I hope to make this work on the JMS level (and not on the AQ level). I think I just need to tell sonic where to find that JMS topic and that should be it. Or not?



Posted by Admin on 13-May-2009 10:01

Just for anyone who likes to benefit from our research - we have made it working, using the Oracle Application Server JMS Router, that needs a resource adapter that is created using the sonicmq.lib libraries. We now have a transparent bi-directional transfer of messages in the Oracle JMS (on AQ or Filesystem) and Sonic MQ, v.v.

Please contact me in case you like the details on setting this up.

Posted by dman123 on 06-Aug-2009 17:26

Hello Erik,

Could you please contact me or reply to this post with greater detail on your bridging implementation.

Thank you.

David Wallin

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