SQL Lookup/Retrieval of itineraries within Sonic DS via a Ja

Posted by sunnywear on 27-Jul-2009 13:52


  I would like to be able to use the Management runtimeAPI (or something else, if available) to query the Sonic DS and pull out the meta-data of an itinerary based upon its unique name.  In other words, I would like to make a JDBC connection to the Sonic DS and query for a specific itinerary, maybe called DocReportSvc, and have the query retrieve the full XML representation of that itinerary, for example, it would retrieve something like this "<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xq:process xmlns:wsis="http://www.sonicsw.com/esb/service/invocation" xmlns:xq="http://www.sonicsw.com/sonicxq" name="FlowA" qualityOfService="BEST_EFFORT" timeToLive="0" entry_ref="FlowAEnd.Entry">
    <xq:exitEndpoint endpoint_ref="FlowAEnd.Exit" type="ENDPOINT"/>

Does anyone know if this is possible?

Thank you!

All Replies

Posted by jtownsen on 28-Jul-2009 10:34

You should have a look at the ESB Admin apis (javadoc gets installed under Sonic Workbench/Docs7.6/api/esb_api).  You're probably looking for the method exportProcess().

Posted by Bill Wood on 24-Aug-2009 13:16

You cannot do a JDBC connection (as the Sonic Directory Service is not a SQL store).  You can use the ESB Management API to get the content of the XML representation of an itinerary.  The basics (for Services) is in the samples in ESB7.6\samples\Sample.ConfigAPI\src\com\sonicsw\esb\samples\configapi.  However, the same applies for XQProcesses (look at IProcessConfigAPI.exportProcess(name)) in \Docs7.6\api\esb_api\index.html

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