Error in invoking web service

Posted by Admin on 05-Aug-2009 07:28

Hi all,

          I 'm facing an issue when invoking a webservice through my workbench.  I'm getting the following error :

(null (WSDLException: faultCode=OTHER_ERROR: Unable to locate document at ''.))

The wsdl i'm using is importing some schemas and is protected by basic auth, I beleive the problem is because of that.

I tried following things but didn't work for me.

1. Gave the Schema Location in Namespace Tab of .esbws file.

2. Stopped the firewall.

3. Gave SOAPAction parameter in the input esb message.

4. Gave basic auth (username and password) in routing defination, giving the URL parameter as 'wsdl url'.

5. Gave paramters in command paremeters for authentication in esbp.

FYI : 1. When I invoked the web service through SOAP UI it was successful.

        2. I'm using workbench version 7.6.

Any help in this regard is most welcome.

Thanks in advance


All Replies

Posted by Bill Wood on 01-Oct-2009 09:01

If you copy the wsdl into SonicFS and invoke from there, does that work?

(This will also help the runtime as well).

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