Hello there,
I have been granted for a development license for the following products
Sonic Workbench 7..6
Sonic ESB CA Siute 7.6
I could succesfully download the Workbench (not yet installed), but I am bit confused about the second. What's the difference? And more over, where can I download it?
Progress sent me an invoice with both products listed and their serial numbers, but has forgotten to mention where and what packages to install.
The customer service email address did not reply.
Thank in advance
Alessandro Ilardo
The Workbench is the development environment. It includes the entire Suite of products and the Eclipse-based develepment license. It is intended to be run on a single machine and has the runtimes, but some of the configurations are designed for development and not production testing. You don't normally set this up with CAA because it is one machine, so you don't test failover.;
The ESB CAA Suite would be for your runtime (e.g. QA, Pre-Prod, or Prod) systems.
There is one Sonic Installer. It will ask you what you want to install, and then prompt for the Control codes. Depending on what control code, different components would be installed.