httpacceptor performance

Posted by smahanta on 05-Mar-2009 01:49

1)I have setup an http-acceptor in content reply mode.

2)For client I am using the HttClient located at \MQ7.6\samples\HttpDirect\DirectInboundSend with minor modification to have n no of threads. Each thread just posts the same xml file to the httpacceptor.

3)If there is just one thread then it takes 40 milisecond for reply to come back.

As the no of threads increase time taken for reply to come decreases.For 10,000 threads it takes on average 10 milisecond for a reply to come.

4)All the setting are default values as changing them did not have much effect.

In sonic I have a process by name HttpContentReply which just have a dev.Prototype service that is other than listening to the queue which has been exposed as a httpacceptor it dose nothing.The exit endpoint of the aforesaid process is set to REPLY_TO.

5) The xml file which is being post is of 420 bytes.

6) HttpContentReply is having 1 listener as increasing no of listeners did not reduce the time.

7) The queue (by name CONTENT_REPLY) which has been exposed as httpacceptor is having 10 delivery threads(default) as increasing the count had no effect.It is having max size 1000kb & save threshold is 1536kb as increasing these values did have no effect.

8) The process is deplyed in dev_ESBTest container. There is only 1 broker (MgmtBroker).

How to improve reply time?


All Replies

Posted by Bill Wood on 21-Oct-2009 13:32

Short answer is:

  • Don't use Workbench containers (which don't cache sonicfs:///workspace files)
  • Use Intracontainer
  • Increase the number of threads for services and the deployed process.

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