Sonic MQ: Consuming certain messages from a queue

Posted by nweddle on 12-May-2009 09:35

I am using Sonic MQ 7.0

I am browsing through a queue every 60 seconds and doing database look-ups on each message I find. When I find what I am looking for in the database, I want to consume the corresponding message from the queue.

Do I have to consume each message to get at the one I want, and then publish the others back to the queue? Should I set a header property and use a selector?



All Replies

Posted by Bill Wood on 26-Oct-2009 12:55

Really you have three options here

  • Use a QueueBrowser to see the message in advance, and then when you find the one you want, consume it by creating a new Message Consumer that has a selector with "JMSMessageID="
    • This is good but only if you have a low message rate as the selector is not very efficient when you are getting one message in a queue.
  • Use SINGLE_MESSAGE_ACKNOWLEGE.  When you get messages you want to consume, ACK them.   When you are done with the session, close it and the un-acked messages will go back to the queue.
    • This works, but you will have all the messages that are un-acked in memory.  Also, no other consumer can see them.  I would do this if you had a high probability that you can hold all the messages in memory, and ack them relatively quickly.
  • Look at the messages.  Use the AcknowledgeAndForward to send them to a second queue (possibly send them back to the one you are on, so they go back to the end.  The ones you want to Ack, do that.

Good luck.

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