Send XML to JMS

Posted by Admin on 23-Feb-2009 19:36

Currently when we send messages (from an ESB process) to an MDB, we use a web service invocation to drop the messages to a jndi jms destination - Send XML to JMS - step. However, this only supports XML messages.

How do we send multipart messages to the MDB?


All Replies

Posted by nweddle on 25-Feb-2009 14:48

You should be able to write a custom service to publish a a Multipart Message to an MDB. Does your MDB have the Sonic libraries in it's classpath? Multipart message is a Sonic JMS message type, not a standard JMS message type so you will need the Sonic libraries.

In the past, I have used Endpoint steps to create Multipart messages automatically. An XML message will get converted to a Mutltipart message if you pass the XML message to the Endpoint step. I would try sending the message to a queue using an Endpoint.

You can also use Transformation services to create Multipart messages.

Posted by Bill Wood on 17-Nov-2009 09:36

I would recommend writing a custom service that uses the XQDispatcher to send the message you want. (NOTE: I believe the next release (Sonic ESB 8.0) will provide such a service.)

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