set JMS_SonicMQ_preserveUndelivered, JMS_SonicMQ_destination

Posted by Admin on 22-Oct-2008 06:08


I want to sent the peoperty values in the ESB message, not the SonicMQ, with the ESB.

I tries with the Header or Message extension, but it is not happening.

Does any body have tried this, to set the following property value for ESB message.




My aim is to set the DMQ, which is other than the default queue, SonicMQ.deadMessage, with the message persistence(that i can achieve setting the qos)

I tried tried with the EndPoint configuration as well, but not get anyoption where in I can set the DMQ.

Is there is anyother way that i can do that.



All Replies

Posted by Bill Wood on 17-Nov-2009 09:48

When you send to an XQEndpoing, the QoS setting overrides the values of preserve/notifyUndelivered -- that is, these are specified via the QoS of AT_LEAST_ONCE or EXACTLY_ONCE.   You can set the destinationUndelivered, though, on the message directly (get the underlying JMS message if you want to set it as a Destination), or as an XQHeader if you can set it as a string.

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