I am trying to develop and event gateway listener in ColdFusion that subscribes to a SonicMQ ESB server. I have the functionality working as I would like talking to an ActiveMQ server for development purposes, but now that I am trying to change it over to point to a SonicMQ server I am having issues where starting the gateway fails with an error: Failed to start gateway: Cannot instantiate class: progress.message.jclient.QueueConnectionFactory.
It is probably obvious enought, but I am using an initialContextFactory of progress.message.jclient.QueueConnectionFactory.
I have added all sonic*.jar files from the SonicMQ installation to the Java classpath, including sonic_Client.jar, which I am under the impression should contain this class. Can anyone think of any dependency that I may be missing that could create the error I am seeing?
Thanks in advance.
dshuck wrote:
It is probably obvious enought, but I am using an initialContextFactory of progress.message.jclient.QueueConnectionFactory
I think your problem is that the javax.naming.InitialContextFactory should be the com.sonicsw.jndi.mfcontext.MFContextFactory. When you get a connection object, then the object bound in the naming service would be a progress.message.jclient.QueueConnectionFactory.
The example (in /MQ7.6/samples/QueuePTP/JNDITalk.java) might help you with this. The InitialContext is created from com.sonicsw.jndi.mfcontext.MFContextFactory. A ConnectionFactory is retrieved from this, and the Connection built from that.
/** Create JMS client for sending and receiving messages. */
private void talker( String broker, String username, String password, String rQueue, String sQueue)
Context context = null;
Hashtable env = new Hashtable();
env.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, "com.sonicsw.jndi.mfcontext.MFContextFactory");
env.put("com.sonicsw.jndi.mfcontext.domain", "Domain1");
env.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, broker);
env.put(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, username);
env.put(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, password);
// Create InitialContext for lookup.
context = new javax.naming.InitialContext(env);
javax.jms.ConnectionFactory factory = null;
// Retrive the ConnectionFactory object.
factory = (javax.jms.ConnectionFactory)context.lookup(CF_LOOKUP_NAME);
catch(NameNotFoundException e) { }