Adaptris SonicMQ to WebsphereMQ Bridge

Posted by cjineson on 01-Dec-2009 08:31


Does anyone have a working example configuration for Adaptris which implements a Request/Reply Bridge across from Sonic MQ to Websphere MQ & back? All the examples I can find or create myself result in the Request message hitting the WMQ Queue Manager as MsgType MQMT_DATAGRAM and hence I get no response from the target WMQ Server app. I suspect this is being caused by WMQ not seeing the JMSReplyTo header.

I'm not clear whether this makes it through Adaptris or not - If I try to manually insert it using a key-value-pair on the connection-factory-properties or an AddMetaDataService, or force Adaptris to pass the one set by the client app through by setting move-metadata=true on the message-translator, I get an error stating that JMSReplyTo is reserved & cannot be set.

I suspect I'm missing something obvious here - Anyone seen this functionality working? Any help much appreciated .



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