I have downloaded the MS jdbc driver (sqljdbc4.jar), but that seems to require a newer jre than the standard Sonic one. I therefore created a new container running under jre6.0.
The container starts but seems to have some difficulty with the Workbench, which is unable to connect to the Directory Service when the new container is started.
The first version of Sonic that technically supports the 1.6 JVM is Sonic 7.6.2. That being said, people have run with it before, but 'milage may vary'.
To set a container's JVM, you configure it in SMC by setting the Java home on the Container environment tab. If you don't set this, then the Container starts with the JVM it inherits from the Activation Daemon, which in turn is set by that containers JVM. If that does not have it set, then it is based on the JVM used by the startup script.
You can find the Java Home property in SMC, under Container's properties, Environment Tab. Set the " Java Home Directory" to the location of the JVM you want to start with (e.g C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.5.0_11)
Thanks William.