I have a sonic service listening to an Http acceptor.An http client sends http get/post request to that http acceptor.I want to find out what is the IP of the http client.How to do that? If it were a servlet we could have called ServletRequest.getRemoteHost on the request object.Please help.
Check the Message Headers.... there may be one that has this information. The Sonic broker (on receiving inbound requests over http) copies all the HTTP headers into the message. You are correct that, as a JMS client, you don't have access to the servlet context, but typically this information is often available in the headers. Of note, is that not all HTTP headers are propogated.
From Progress SonicMQ Deployment Guide V7.6, Chapter 19: HTTP(S) Direct Acceptors and Routings, page 460
Discardable HTTP Properties
All nonstandard HTTP header properties are copied directly to the JMS message as
custom properties. However, the following standard properties of an HTTP message are
not preserved in JMS messages:
Accept Accept-Charset Accept-Encoding
Accept-Language Allow Authorization
Cache-Control Connection Cookie
Cookie2 Date Expect
From Host If-Match
If-Modified-Since If-None-Match If-Range
If-Unmodified-Since Max-Forwards Pragma
Proxy-Authorization Range Referer
TE Trailer Transfer-Encoding
Upgrade User-Agent Warning
AFAIK you cann not get it within acceptor. But when you pick up the message coming through the acceptor, you will have all the MIME headers that the HTTP message has as JMS headers. So, basically check the X-* JMS headers of the message.
When coming through the proxy, X-Forwarded-For is your header.
But, just take a look at the JMS headers and most probably you find what you need.